Here are four hand positions that you can use to calm your nervous system when you’re feeling very stressed and anxious.
Anyone ever tell you to “just calm down” when you’re stressed?
Adorable, right?!? 😆 Oh wait, I mean infuriating. 😠
When we’re stressed, we make the mistake of trying to THINK our way to calm. But we want to calm the body first before trying to think our way through a problem.
It’s easier to calm the mind through the body than to calm the body through the mind.
So, step one when you are stressed, anxious and overwhelmed is to start in the body. If your nervous system feels safe and grounded, then your guard is going to come down and THEN you’ll have access to all the cognitive tools that you need.
All of these hand positions are sending calming signals from the vagus nerve up to your brain to say “I am safe in my body right now”.
Watch the video or read below.
Here are 4 Hand Positions You Can Use to Calm Your Nervous System…
#1 Calming position: The Self Hug

The first one you can do, especially if you’re feeling rather unsafe is the Self Hug. You’re going to hug the outside of your rib cage with one hand, and hold the outside of your opposite arm with the other hand. Then just breathe into the position and relax your body.
#2 Calming position: Hand on head and heart

This next hand position is great for when you can’t stop overthinking and ruminating, and your mind is going a mile a minute. You’re going to put one hand on your head and the other on your heart. Just put your focus into where your hand is touching your body and breathe into that.
#3 Calming position: Two hands on heart

This next hand position I love for when you really need some love, guidance and support when you’re feeling very stressed. You’re going to put two hands on your heart and feel some pressure there, like a weighted blanket. Then just breathe into that sensation.
#4 Calming position: Hand on heart and solar plexus

This last one I love because I gravitate towards it the most myself. Here you’ll put one hand on your heart and the other on your solar plexus, just below your rib cage. This is great for when your source of anxiety is coming from a lack of confidence. The solar plexus is the physical location where our confidence stems from (which is the location of the third chakra).
So we want to connect these two areas of our body – heart and confidence.
The bottom line:
When you’re stressed, start in the body. Then you can do the mental work.
Where to go from here:
- Work with me 1:1: For leaders and parents feeling lost trying to grow and heal on their own, ready for a guide on their journey out of anxiety into the happiest, most Zen-Badass version of yourself from the boardroom to the family room.
- 21 Day Meditation-in-Action emotional transformation (now only $37). In as few as 4 minutes a day, learn how to retrain your mind for resilience, peace and focus.
- Free Training – Learn the 4 Shifts to Ease Anxiety and Find Your Inner Zen-Badass: Access the free mini-but-mighty Graceful Resilience® training to learn the skills to become calm, confident and in control over your emotions so your career and relationships thrive.
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