I just cried a little bit realizing this about my childhood, and I’m sure this will resonate with some of you. I’m going to preface this by saying I love and appreciate my parents very much, and parenting is very hard.

The thing that got me emotional is that as an adult, my parents would say to me, you were a good kid. We didn’t really have to punish you much. And I realized that they were actually wrong.

I just didn’t realize they were punishing me when either the rules weren’t followed or I didn’t do a thing that I was supposed to do. Like most of those kids, the reaction was always anger, frustration, and irritation.

Followed by these mildly shaming comments like, “What’s wrong with you?” “What’s the matter with you?” “Why can’t you get this right?” And to me, every time they reacted in anger or made those shaming comments, it hurt like a dagger to the chest.

So the punishment that I learned to avoid was angering my parents. But it also made me feel like other people’s negative emotional reactions were my responsibility to manage.

If other people are directing their anger towards me, it’s because I did something wrong. I learned to punish myself by saying, “What is wrong with you?” “Why can’t you get this right?” In my relationships, whenever my partner is angry, I shut down.

Because to me, it’s really no worse punishment. This is why I’m so passionate about breaking these cycles both in myself, but helping other parents break those cycles of stress within themselves and learning how to be much more conscious and empathetic.

Parents who connect and validate their kid’s emotions.Teaching kids the right thing to do because it’s the right thing to do.

Research-Based Insight: Breaking Up With Harmful Patterns From Childhood

Keep reading or watch this Reel to learn to stop procrastinating.


Conscious parenting is about learning how to regulate your own emotions, to empathize and validate others emotions, and treating each other with respect. Its about working on ourselves so that we can show up as kind but strong, respectful but authoritative parents who hold boundaries without using anger and punishment as tools for control. Thats why i love working with parents to manage their stress so they can show up as the parents they want to be. #attachmentparenting #gentleparenting #consciousparenting #respectfulparenting #momsover40 #momsover30 #momsover50 #dadsover40

♬ original sound – Sandy Woznicki Stress Coach

Recognizing the Subtle Forms of Punishment

Many of us didn’t experience traditional forms of punishment like time-outs or grounding, but emotional punishment can be equally damaging. Understanding how emotional reactions from parents can unknowingly affect a child’s psyche is the first step.

Internalizing Responsibility for Others’ Emotions

Children often take responsibility for their parents’ emotional states, believing it’s their fault when Mom or Dad gets angry. This can lead to a lifelong pattern of self-blame.

The Impact on Adult Relationships

Exploring how childhood experiences with emotional punishment can influence adult relationships. Learning to recognize these patterns in ourselves is essential to breaking free.

Empathy and Connection

The importance of connecting with and validating a child’s emotions rather than responding with anger or frustration. Teaching children to understand emotions without shame.

Teaching Values for the Right Reasons

Encouraging children to do the right thing because it’s morally correct, not out of fear of punishment. Instilling a sense of responsibility based on empathy and understanding.

Breaking the Cycle

Guidance on how parents can become more conscious and empathetic, fostering an environment where emotional punishment is replaced with open communication and support.

Journey Towards Healing and Understanding

Breaking free from the emotional punishment cycle is a journey, both as parents and as individuals who carry these experiences into adulthood. It’s about recognizing the patterns, healing old wounds, and learning to respond with empathy and love.

By connecting with our children on a deeper emotional level and teaching values for the right reasons, we can build a future generation that understands the power of compassion over punishment. And in doing so, we also liberate ourselves from the heavy burden of responsibility for others’ emotions.

The bottom line

In my journey, I’ve become passionate about breaking these cycles, both within myself and in helping other parents do the same. It’s about fostering conscious, empathetic parenting that doesn’t rely on emotional punishment but rather on understanding, validation, and teaching values because they’re the right thing to do.

By building these foundations, we can create a brighter future, one where children grow up free from the weight of unwarranted emotional burdens and instead flourish in an environment of love, understanding, and empathy.

Where to go from here:

  1. Work with me 1:1: For leaders and parents feeling lost trying to grow and heal on their own, ready for a guide on their journey out of anxiety into the happiest, most Zen-Badass version of yourself from the boardroom to the family room.
  2. 21 Day Meditation-in-Action emotional transformation (now only $37). In as few as 4 minutes a day, learn how to retrain your mind for resilience, peace and focus.
  3. Free Training – Learn the 4 Shifts to Ease Anxiety and Find Your Inner Zen-Badass: Access the free mini-but-mighty Graceful Resilience® training to learn the skills to become calm, confident and in control over your emotions so your career and relationships thrive.