There will be noise – allow for distractions.

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Today’s lesson you’ll learn:

  • Giving permission for live to be messy and imperfect.

We can reprogram how we react to the annoying things that typically stress us out so that they no longer control our reaction.

We get to choose how we want to respond instead – and to do that we need to first be aware of the things that trigger us.

I had a meditation teacher describe part of his monk training as a student when his teacher would sometimes bang garbage can lids outside while his student was practicing meditating.

The student complained that it was hard to meditate when the teacher made so much noise. The teacher explained that the student’s inner peace and happiness should not be reliant on everything external to him going exactly the way he wants it to.

The skill the student is learning here is to not let noise, or the unexpected, or the undesirable control your emotions.

Give life permission to be messy and imperfect.

Today – Notice your stress triggers. Noises, sensations, what other people do (or don’t do), situations like traffic or long lines. Notice how you react.

Practice Today’s Lesson While Listening to this Week’s Meditation

Guided Mindfulness of Thoughts and Emotions

You can use this guided meditation or any guided meditation, or even practice without a guide

Daily Journal Prompt

What are my stress triggers? How do I typically react? How would I rather respond?

Daily Affirmation

I get to choose how I want to show up in my life.