Step into the Magic Gap.

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Today’s lesson you’ll learn:

  • Harnessing the space between the trigger and being triggered, so you can pause and choose how you want to respond

You may have heard the famous Victor Frankyl quote:
“Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom.” Viktor Frankyl

This is the Magic Gap we’re learning to leverage with this one simple but profound skillset of Noticing and building our mindful self-awareness.

Harnessing that space is where you get to choose how you want to show up to this situation.

Reactions are automatic, which means we don’t have control over them. But we’re working to gain control. So to stay calm instead of being triggered and controlled by your automatic reactions…

When we step into the Magic Gap.

Today – Notice your automatic reactions – the ones you want to change – and Notice if you can step into the Magic Gap.

Practice Today’s Lesson While Listening to this Week’s Meditation

Guided Mindfulness of Thoughts and Emotions

You can use this guided meditation or any guided meditation, or even practice without a guide

Daily Journal Prompt

Visualize your highest self walking through a beautiful, open field with your bare feet touching the ground. Describe this experience, including how it makes you feel.

Daily Affirmation

There is Magic in the Pause.