Does your anxiety or stress affect your relationships?

When your partner pushes your buttons, do you react in anger and then argue?

When you don’t hear back from your friend, do you assume you did something wrong and then distance yourself?

If your boss calls you into her office, do you assume it’s to fire you so you’re always walking on eggshells?

Or when your resilience reserves are low, do you snap and take it out on family?

My friend, you are in GOOD company! But, there’s also a few key things you can do to break this cycle and reclaim control, so you can show up in your relationships – even when you’re triggered – in the best way possible.

Watch the short video to learn how and why stress affects our relationships, and what to do about it:

Here are the steps we talked about in the video to stop letting stress affect your relationships:

  1. Know your stress triggers (and know how you would rather respond as opposed to react)
  2. Recognize when you are outside your Zone of Control
  3. When you are outside your Zone of Control – do not engage in conversation or act on the situation, your #1 thing to do here is get back into control. This is so you can Respond with control instead of React defensively.

This is just ONE of the resilience skills we’ll be covering in the masterclass series: From Emotionally Exhausted to Relaxed and Resilient.

In this empowerment series, you’ll learn the resilience skills of happy and successful women so you can enjoy the ride on your way to success and become the self-loving, Zen badass you’ve always admired.