▶️ Anxiety, insecurities and low self-esteem are poison for our relationships. I know first hand. I never felt good enough, so I compared myself to everyone else – always falling short.

My anxiety drove barriers between me and my partner as I built a wall to “protect” myself. All it did was create fights, finger pointing and disconnection.

I didn’t think I was interesting enough for anyone to want to be friends with me, so I stayed home or let my insecurities drive me to act inauthentically. Which, of course, I would over think everyone’s reactions and “self-reject” myself from relationships before they could reject me first.

I just assumed people were looking at me, judging me wherever I went so I walked through the world trying to become what I thought people would like trying to please everyone (except for myself) which left me exhausted and miserable.

And every single client I have ever worked with over the years has suffered from some, if not all of these same relationship problems.

That’s why I created this masterclass.

From this LIVE Masterclass and Group Coaching you’ll learn:

  • Why we worry so much what other people think of us
  • 6 mindset shifts to stop obsessing over what people think of you
  • How to find the confidence and courage to live authentically and unapologetically in your relationships (romantic, plutonic or parental!)

A short clip from the Masterclass:

Watch the full Replay (available until Nov 13 for non-members):

Where to go from here:

  1. Work with me 1:1: For leaders and parents feeling lost trying to grow and heal on their own, ready for a guide on their journey out of anxiety into the happiest, most Zen-Badass version of yourself from the boardroom to the family room.
  2. 21 Day Meditation-in-Action emotional transformation (now only $37). In as few as 4 minutes a day, learn how to retrain your mind for resilience, peace and focus.
  3. Free Training – Learn the 4 Shifts to Ease Anxiety and Find Your Inner Zen-Badass: Access the free mini-but-mighty Graceful Resilience® training to learn the skills to become calm, confident and in control over your emotions so your career and relationships thrive.

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